Monday, January 13, 2014

Lets Start at the Beginning

My husband I got married in our new house in December 2012. It was a small ceremony led by the town clerk and attended by our immediate families. We then began planning a larger reception to be held in the fall. The planning was easy and we spent the time adjusting to our new jobs and enjoying married life. We were eager to start our family, but we decided to wait until after the 2nd wedding. I wanted to make sure my mom's wedding dress fit so I didn't want to get pregnant before I walked down the aisle. Then in October 2013 we got married again in front of 100 of our closest friends and family.

A few days after we were finally officially done getting married we left for our honeymoon. I was very tempted to bring a pregnancy test with me as I had 2 lying around, but I decided that I didn't want to add any stress to a relaxing vacation. So I left the tests behind and we spent the next to weeks traveling around Fiji and New Zealand. We returned home at 3AM after flying halfway around the world. The first thing I did was run upstairs and take a pregnancy test. Then 3 minutes later I ran into the bedroom to find my husband and yelled, "Boom goes the dynamite!" He answered, "You're pregnant!?!?!", and we high-fived and went to bed.We shared our good news with our parents the next day, and 2 weeks later I had my first obgyn appointment and confirmed a July 6th due date.

So now I'm in my 2nd trimester. During my 1st trimester I was diagnosed with sever morning sickness (Hyperemesis gravidarum) just like Kelly Clarkson and Kate Middleton. I ended up leaving my job because I couldn't get out of bed and was planning on staying home with the baby anyway. I spent the next month and a half in bed and lost 5% of my body weight. Thankfully I didn't have to be hospitalized as sometimes happens to women with this condition. Thankfully, my liver enzymes have lowered and my morning sickness only occurs in the morning these days. I've been taking advantage of my newly returned energy and finally started shopping for the baby! This blog with document the rest....

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